A band's blog

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

playing at jackson creek retirement home: pictures

{ella and jemma, singing bourgeois shangri la}
 {can you see us all? jemma's hiding!}
 {group picture! charlotte is making an odd face. yuck.}
{and theo, playing us some beatles tunes on the ukelele we use for dog day are over}

I really hope we get to play there again! it was lots of fun and all the seniors seemed to enjoy it :)

-the undecideds
(ella, jemma, maggie, anwyn, and charlotte)

{all photography credit goes to charlotte's dad}


  1. I WAS hiding!!! I'm camera phobic sometimes!

  2. In the 1st pic, I look like a FISH! What ever happened to my face?!?!?!?!?!?
